Monday, April 24, 2006



And now for something completely different. One of the things I do to try to add some sort of focus to my photography (no pun intended) is to have projects or themes that I'm working on. One of these is 'Waiting/Anticipation'. Whilst waiting for...I don't remember now, my sister I Heathrow a while back, the usual flight delays gave me the opportunity to experiment a bit. This was shot on my Dimage A1, with the camera sitting on my lap and the screen tipped upwards, so I could shoot with some stealth. You'd be surprised how dark it is in arrivals, in photographic terms - hence the motion blur of her arm and of the person walking past in the background. I quite like it. There's a nice implication of the world rushing past as she sits and waits for her...well, whoever it is she's waiting for...!


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